Companies in the Quantum Ecosystem

Why I’m Excited About the Classiq Coding Competition, and Why You Should be Too – Even if You Don’t Understand Quantum Programming

Ultimately, Quantum Computers will only be as valuable and impactful as the programs written for them, so seeing creativity and outside-the-box approaches to challenges with these early, noisy, faulty machines will be quite revealing.  The Classiq Coding Competition should bring out this programming creativity.

Companies in the Quantum Ecosystem

Classiq – Company Evaluation

Classiq has a solid team, strong balance sheet, and highly regarded product.  It has entered into a meaningful number of collaborations and partnerships with a wide variety of players.  And its business model provides value-add to customers in an agnostic way vis-a-vis quantum hardware and software.  While there may some increasing competition, they appear to have a solid first-mover advantage.  If Classiq can continue its current momentum and become the go-to provider for customers seeking to optimize their quantum algorithms, their customer base should expand quite rapidly and consistently. 

Companies in the Quantum Ecosystem

Collaboration is Dominating Quantum Computing

Nearly every day we see headlines about players in the Quantum Computing industry announcing new collaborations and partnerships.  On a technical level this seems logical given the unique requirements of the various components such as the physical qubits, cryogenics, lasers, microwaves, controllers, compilers, error correction, various software layers, etc.  Collaborations would seem inevitable as the industry attempts to power forward as rapidly as possible.